
Message from the CEO- Volunteer Week


Dear Volunteers,

This year’s national volunteer week theme, The Value of One, The Power of Many, beautifully illustrates the impact each one of you has in powering our Hospital and community. By generously sharing your hearts and hard work, you continue to make a difference to so many of our patients, staff and physicians. And wow, you did not even let the pandemic slow you down!

Through your creative ingenuity, you have motored on. You have brightened our days through your welcoming landscaping and decorating at our Hospital entrance. You have enabled patients undergoing chemotherapy to be hugged by a new warm and comfy chair. You have helped us add many vital diagnostic tools, including fantastic new x-ray equipment, to foster high quality and timely care. And, perhaps most importantly, through your compassionate action and leadership, you have shown that each one of us has the potential to make a difference, one kind act at a time.

On behalf of our patients, care partners, staff, physicians, thank you for volunteering to make such a positive difference to our community!

Sue LeBeau
President and Chief Executive Officer, RLMCMH